Cadillac at Sunrise

“Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth.” ~ Stewart Udall


Early Mornings

Sunday dawned with heavy fog and a light mist, which ended up being both good and bad. Tiffany and I were suppose to drive up Cadillac Mountain to see the sunrise. We had gotten up at four so that we wouldn’t miss it. With the rain it seemed likely we wouldn’t be able to see a thing, but since we were up we decided to make the trek anyway.


Cadillac Mountain

I had mentioned when I had visited MDI before that Cadillac Mountain is the first in the country to see the sun. It is a very real event with people coming from all over and getting up before it should be made legal to see that huge burning star. Because of this, the substantial sized parking lot was filled. Thankfully though, many people had given up on seeing the sunrise, and were leaving as we drove up the winding fog encrusted road.


The Sunrise 

Okay this is a bit of a misnomer. The fog was so thick that the saying of cutting it with a knife rang true. Yet, there was something incredibly peaceful and sublime about being up there surrounded by that heavy grey mist. Watching as it would get thicker and then dissipate a little bit then get thicker again. It felt like spirits were cradling us.


I have always loved the early mornings, and since almost everyone had cleared out, it seemed like we were the only ones in the world on the mountain top and it was a truly empowering and invigorating feeling.


About an hour and  half after we arrived and just as we were going to leave, the sun finally broke through the dense fog and clouds. It may not have been sunrise in the truest sense of the word, but as it reflected off the water still closer to the ground then the sky, it was utterly breathtaking. It seemed to symbolize that metaphor that light does always break through the darkness and to keep going.


Photo shoot

My friend and I had planned to have a photo shoot a top the mountain. Despite the dense fog, it did not keep us from channeling our inner Giselle. In fact, if anything, the fog only enhanced it, creating an ever changing, almost eery back drop.


We found a secluded section on the mountain, and with the thick fog we did not have to worry about the few stragglers who were holding out hope that the fog would dissipate, photo bombing our pictures.


Though at one point while we were working our Beyonce, someone looked down and said “Oh look they are having a photo shoot.” Yes, yes we were.



After our photo shoot we were famished and ready for some grub despite it only being eight in the morning. We headed to Bar Harbor, where we decided to have breakfast at Paddy’s the Irish Pub located downtown near the water.


While it was a weekend of trying new stuff, I could not resist going back to Paddy’s. I can honestly say it is one of my favorite places to eat. (though Timber will always be my true love up yonder) The decor alone makes me feel like I am in Ireland, and the food is delicious.


And do not get me started on their coffee!


Bar Harbor

It sounds so cliche but I really do love Bar Harbor. The quaintness of the shops and the fact that it has been around for hundreds of years endears it to the heart. I needed to find postcards as well as a little something for my mom since she had let me use her car for the weekend. We went to Sherman’s the oldest department store, where I found a hand painted ornament as well as wooden postcards for my nephews.


Tiffany and I also went to the Pink Pastry Shop for a desperately needed second jolt of caffeine after our early morning. It was only eleven but felt like three!


We then sat in the harbor people watching and just relaxing.


What had been a dense foggy dreary and rainy morning had turned into a sunny bright eighty degree day. It was the perfect way to end the  weekend.


Until next time MDI!


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6 thoughts on “Cadillac at Sunrise

  1. What is your secret to looking THAT good at 4AM?! Asking for a friend….
    You have a fantastic friend because she captured amazing shots of you. Also the photo of the fog clearing up, absolutely breathtaking! Such a beautiful view.

    xo, JJ

    1. Hehe fake it till you make it! But seriously you should have seen me at 4PM! I was ready for bed!
      Thanks love! She is incredible with a camera! She went to school for filmography and has such a great eye! She takes most of pics! Thanks love! <3

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