Wanderlusting: The Cloisters

Wanderlusting: The Cloisters

"It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time." ~ David Allan Coe Hidden Oasis  Hello friends! Happy April 1 (and yes April Fool's!) Spring is in the air and there is no better place to be then amongst [...]

Wanderlusting: OOB

Wanderlusting: OOB

"I love the beach. I love the sea. All my life I live within - in front of the sea." ~ Rafael Nadal Beachhood Memories I feel like these are the dawg days of summer as we fast approach September, heck they might have even already past us by with the chilly temps we have [...]

Wanderlusting: The National Mall

Wanderlusting: The National Mall

"Monuments and archaeological pieces serve as testimonies of man's greatness and establish a dialogue between civilizations showing the extent to which human beings are linked." ~ Vicente Fox The National Mall After joyously caffeinating ourselves, Sarah and I headed to The National Mall. On maps, everything looks far apart, but it didn't seem it when [...]