Through the Eyes of an Eleven Year Old: September 11 Sixteen Years Later

It is hard to believe that sixteen years have passed. I was a child, but I ended that day with my innocence shattered and profound grief that the world could be so evil. Yet I quickly learned despite the most incomprehensible and horrific circumstances there are good people. In one day we saw the worst and best of humanity. We saw a city crushed not just with debris, but with tears and anguish. Yet we rose. We have never forgotten. But we have continued to live. We remember those who were killed senselessly but we carry on their legacy. Death and hatred do not destroy our loved ones memories. Love protects them in our hearts and we always remember. Always. Maybe a little more today when the rest of the country and the world step in to join us. But not a day goes by when we as New Yorkers have forgotten. It changed us. It defined us. It also showed us the courageous in a time of sorrow. It showed us that no matter what, love does live on.

So must the stories, so that we do not repeat history. Even if it is just a child’s innocent shattered account. We remember. We honor. We love.

I have never been more proud to call this incredible city my home and myself a New Yorker. So much love to this beautiful city and the world as a whole 💗

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